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Made with Love by Riri

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What is hate? According to Google, hate means "intense dislike". Personally, I think hate means something that you find really annoying and something you just don't want to hear, see, taste or anything to do with your senses. I hate a lot of things. I also do hate some people. But please do remember that hating is bad and we must not always hate people. But we also can't stop the fact that we really do hate people or something,

So here are the types of people and a few of the things that I hate: 1. Periods – girls know the reason why. 2. Long intros – every time I want to watch a tutorial of something or DIYs, I just hate waiting and listening to very long intros. I mean, okay, we get it, can we get started with the video? 3. Jeje people – if you don't know what this is: these are people who tYp3s LaYk tH!sZxc and people who has very weird captions just like: "i'M sO uGLehH hehEhe" just for them to earn more complements, and alot more weird things they do. They are also people who uses weird editing websites and posts pictures with too much edit and filters. 4. Flirts – ugh. I hate flirts. I hate when they give you a seductive look, tries to be cute and makes an obvious flirting move. I hate when they say, "Ka gwapa nimo nya wa kay uyab?". I hate that moment when they ask if you have a boyfriend and tells you that you're too beautiful to not have one. It's okay to die single, b*tch! 5. Slow Internet Connection – god, everyone hates this. I hate this. No need explanation. We all just hate this. 6. Painting nails – this is actually a fun thing to do but there are just times that I really hate this kind of fun. Especially when you want to do something else rather than just staring at the wall, waiting for your nails to dry, and accidentally hitting it to something and it's.. just.. damaged. 7. Liars 8. Copycats 9. Beans or peas – I hate beans. If I like the food but there are beans on it, I'm sorry but I'm skipping a meal. I just don't like chewing them, they feel so weird. 10. Dark Chocolates – dark chocolates does not taste good!!!! They are so bitter and I just hate its taste. 11. Too Sweet Couples – I love sweet stuffs, but sweet couples? Um no. Sweet couples are okay. But Too Sweet Couples? Please get out infront of me because you are abusing my eyes. 12. Sweat – I don't like being wet and smelling like dead fish. 13. The word "tampons" – believe it or not, I just new what tampons are just a couple months ago, and I hate saying it. I hate how weird it looks like and how the word sounds like. I would never wear them either. They might feel weird. 14. Being forced to wake up – every. single. morning. 15. When people get mad at you for no reason 16. When people blame you for something you didn't do – this is sad because I've been blamed by some of my friends before for doing nothing and I don't even blame them for anything. I even blame myself if I would ever blame someone. I am your friend goals, I know. 17. When people force you to tell the "truth" – what I mean about this is that when people forces you to tell something they want to hear. The "truth" because they don't believe what you just said even if what you just said was actually the truth. Do you get what I mean? Am I not trustworthy? 18. People who only talks to you when they need something 19. Being compared to other people – dear mom, please don't compare me to the kids next door. Sincerely, your daughter. 20. Rumors – guys, I'm pregnant. 21. People who stare for a long time 22. Traffic 23. Slow walkers

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