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Made with Love by Riri

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There are a lot of things that I love about Science High. Half day classes, shorten period, events, parties, and so much more. My first 10 months in Science High was 'okay'. I can't say it was that good for me, because projects were stressing me out and I don't have enough friends from the higher years. Teachers were fine and some were friendly, too. Some were very strict at first and some were very kind at first. I had, honestly, the best classmates. All of us were very, by very I mean VERY, open to each other with our little secrets. All of them are also very cooperative. I had an amazing 10 months so far. One thing that I love about Science High is half day classes. I mean, who doesn't love half day classes? You get a little time to relax either in the morning or in the afternoon. Best part is that some teachers doesn't even want to come in class and teach lectures. Shorten period. Everytime a teacher says these four words, "Shorten period ta run." Everyone, including me of course, jumps out of joy and scream. Literally the right time to have a shorten period is on the day with your haaaatest subject or with your least favorite teacher. Cough history cough. Every month have different kinds of events. Math, Science, SSS, English club, Book club and a lot more. What makes us students excited is that all of us already know there are shorten periods, and time for meetings. Events in Science High are also very full of effort and really turns out to be a huge and successful event. My favorite event in my 10 amazing months is Science High was probably the foam party! Kaway kaway sa first timers. ☺ I never wanted to study in this school. None of my expectations were even true. This school was never an option, and I never expected nice things would actually happen in this school. There are really lots and lots of amazing things to love about Science High. Words can't even explain how much I love this school. I cannot wait to graduate with a PINK TOGA! ​There's no doubt in enrolling here, and just like what others say, "Di ka mag mahay."

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