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Made with Love by Riri

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Another "Mother and Daughter day" with my mom. We went to Robinsons to eat because we were so hungry and we wanted to roam around a bit. We stopped by Sans Rival because we were craving for my all time favorite go-to food, silvanas!

And since this blog post is about my mom, I'm going to talk a little bit about mothers. Get yo tissues, kids. Just kidding, it's not that cheezy trust me.

I know some of us tried at least once, hate our moms. And I did too. There are times they get annoying, they get mad at us and sometimes, we also think they do not care us as at all. But whatever they do, they are still our mom. Whatever they do, they do it for us. They do every thing for us. They work for us. And if you think they don't love you, they do. They really do. And you do, too. You love your mom. I love my mom.

Get the Look!

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