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Made with Love by Riri

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1. Thing you cannot leave the house without? My phone. 2. Favorite brand of makeup? I don't really know but I guess Naked. 3. Favorite Flowers? White Roses! 4. Fav clothing stores? Oxygen. 5. Fav perfume? Either Gucci, Victoria Secret or 11:55 6. Heels or flats? Flats. Though someone should teach me how to wear heels. 7. Do you make good grades? Yes, I do! 8. Fav colors? Black and Blue. 9. Do you drink energy drinks? Nope. 10. Do you drink juice? Of course. 11. Do you like swimming? Not really. 12. Do you eat fries with a fork? No, who does that? 13. Whats your fav moisturizer? I don't use moisturizers except lotion? Lol! 14. Do you want to get married later on in life? I guess so. 15. Do you get mad easily? YES!! 16. Are you into ghost hunting? Bye. 17. Any phobias? Heights. 18. Do you bite your nails? Nope. 19. Have you ever had a near death experience? Yes! I was in the ICU for a few days back then. 20. Do you drink coffee? Yes, but I had to stop. It gives me nerves.

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